Arts at NUH Banner

Arts at NUH is the Trust's arts programme, which aims to support the wellbeing of patients, staff, and visitors across all of our hospital sites through visual arts for the environment and participatory arts workshops, including music.

The coordination of the programme and many of the projects are kindly funded by the Nottingham Hospitals Charity. For more information, please contact Megan Dawes, Arts Coordinator, via email at


The programme runs some lovely activities and groups like clay sculpting, photography challenges, dance groups, choir groups, crafternoons, and live music at the restaurants. Tours of the Arts Trails are available by booking via the Arts at NUH intranet website below. Get involved and support your social wellbeing while having some fun!



  arts trails photo clay session photo  



You can read the newest Arts at NUH newsletter and find out what's currently on by visiting the intranet page below:

View the Arts at NUH intranet page by clicking here.

Alternatively, you can visit the external Arts at NUH website below:

View the Arts at NUH external page by clicking here.



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