Volunteers are vital and valued members of Team NUH
Whilst we do accept volunteer’s from16 and above, we do have limitations on the types of wards and roles we place younger volunteers within (16-18).
There is no upper age limit to volunteer.
All volunteers must be able to offer a minimum of two hours per week. We request applicants to commit to a six months volunteering period minimum with our hospital.
For an application form to be sent to you by post please call our application line 24 hours a day.
Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 85318
For further advice, please call : 07812279270
Also after the list of questions on this page, please can you add the paragraph below at the bottom of the questions:
You can also email a request to NUHvoluntary.services@nuh.nhs.uk
You are required to supply full details of 2 people who know you well (i.e. have known you over 3 years) and can supply a reference, (these individuals cannot be related to you) But have consented to act as referees on your behalf.
All reference requests will be followed up and verified through the organisation’s Human Resources Department and Only professional E-mail addresses will now be accepted from recognised institutions such as, Employers, Voluntary Organisations, and Religious institutions.
A Disclosure & Barring check will be carried out through the organisation’s Human Resources Department at no cost to the volunteer.
All potential volunteers are invited to attend an interview with two members of the voluntary services team. All potential volunteers will be given the opportunity to ask questions at interview.
Full details of the volunteer recruitment process and next steps are explained at the end of the interview.
All placements are subject to availability at the time of recruitment and whilst we will try to accommodate request for placement areas if possible.
We do ultimately have to place volunteers in the areas the Trust deems the most in need of volunteers. We must also consider based on recruitment the safest and most suitable placement for each individual recruited.
It is unreasonable to expect volunteers to be out of pocket because of their involvement in volunteering for NUH. Volunteers can be reimbursed for travel expenses up to a 20 mile radius either via bus, Car, Bike, Bicycle
Medilink Bus travel will be free with volunteers ID badge
Volunteers are NOT given a free car parking pass for your site. Volunteers parking on Trust premises will have to forfeit payment for car parking at their own expense.
The main Voluntary Services Department will offer a basic reference if volunteers complete the agreed minimum six month volunteer duration and conform to the listed criteria below:
The voluntary services department are happy to issue any volunteer with a reference regarding their time as a volunteer within NUH subject to:
Please note: The voluntary services department will offer references up to three years after a volunteer has left the Trust.
All references would contain volunteer’s names, start dates and leaving dates with basic volunteering duties information.