Carers image

Caring for Carers at NUH.

Caring for Carers at NUH

Carers are people who care, in an unpaid capacity, for friends or family members who are ill, frail or disabled. Carers come from all backgrounds and cultures and can be of any age or gender. Nottingham University Hospitals Trust (NUH) is dedicated to supporting carers.

  • We will ask you if you are a carer, or if someone cares for you. If we don’t please tell us.
  • We will involve you when you are in hospital and when you leave. We will listen and act on your feedback.
  • We will tell you about other help and support you can get.

This section provides information you might find useful while the person you care for is a patient at NUH. There are also useful links for carers in the community. Please speak to the ward manager (senior nurse) about how we can support you in your role as a carer.

'About Me' Document

The 'About Me' document has been developed to help staff get to know your relative or friend, to communicate with them better, help them to feel safe and secure while in hospital and to record how and when you want to be involved.

Where can carers get further help and support?

Contact our PALS Team:

Tel: 0800 183 0204




Carers Hub

Telephone contact: 080 802 1777

WhatsApp or Text: 07814678460



How to keep your loved one active whilst in hospital

How can I give feedback?

If you are a carer and would like to give feedback, you can do this by visiting

Caring for yourself

The role of a carer can be stressful and it is important to remember your own physical and mental health needs. If you are worried about your health talk to your GP.

The NHS website has useful tips on caring for yourself and you can find out more information here:

Rethink is an organisation that focuses on the wellbeing of carers

The NHS practical guide to healthy caring will help you if you have caring responsibilities, but it is written to be particularly relevant for those who are about 65 years or older and are new to caring.

Carer's assessments

Please contact the Carers Hub using the details below for advice about how you can get a carers assessment:

Carers Hub

Telephone contact: 080 802 1777

WhatsApp or Text: 07814678460



Carer's support and useful links

If you are a carer, please contact the Carers Hub for information about access to support and services:

Telephone contact: 080 802 1777

WhatsApp or Text: 07814678460



Dementia Support Links

Below are links to websites and supporting information around Dementia.

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