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Appearance of first NHS National Rehabilitation Centre crystallises as windows and cladding installed on new building

The latest photos and drone footage show progress of National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) due to open in 2025....

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Improvements in staff diversity at Nottingham hospitals

A new report from the NHS shows significant improvements in staff diversity at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH), where the overall representation of race outstrips the national average....

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Nottingham’s Cellular Pathology Team awarded a Royal College of Pathologists Achievement Award

Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust’s (NUH) Cellular Pathology team has been recognised nationally for their hard work to improve turnaround times and patient care whilst setting a benchma...

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NUH staff involved in rehabilitation research thank University of Nottingham and Cisco for funding grants

Health professionals destined to work at the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) when it opens next year have been given a unique opportunity to get involved in some early research with the aim of im...

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