Coming into hospital

Children who need to stay in hospital are called inpatients. They will stay in the Nottingham Children’s Hospital at the QMC.

Some children come into the hospital in an emergency, usually through the Children’s Emergency Department. Others have planned admissions for operations or other care.

If your child needs to stay overnight, one parent can stay overnight with them.



Many operations are day cases, where there is no need for your child to stay overnight. If your child does have to stay overnight, they will be on a children’s ward at QMC.

All children coming in for an operation will first come to one of our admission areas to have the necessary checks and paperwork completed.


Emergency care

Most children who need to stay in hospital after attending the emergency department will be admitted to the Children’s Assessment Unit (CAU). This is a short stay area where your child will be assessed by a paediatrician and treatment started if it is needed.

Some children will go straight home from CAU after a few hours. If your child needs to stay longer they will be transferred to an appropriate ward.

Children's Hospital Uniforms



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