Celebrity / VIP visitors' guidance

The Communications Team co-ordinate all VIP/celebrity visits to NUH (this includes Royal visits and visits/official openings from MPs, celebrities and sports people).  

In the interests of protecting our patients and their families, a member of the Communications Team will attend all visits.

The number of people visiting our wards will be limited to six people per group. Requests for additional visitors to the ward will be at the discretion of the Ward Manager. This is to ensure the wards are not overcrowded and to keep disruption to other patients and their families to a minimum. 


Infection control

Patient safety is our top priority. You can help us prevent the risk of infection when you visit our hospitals by:

  • Using the alcohol hand rub before entering and when leaving the ward (or wash your hands with soap and water)
  • Ensuring you are bare below the elbow. This includes removing wrist watches, and bracelets and rolling your sleeves up
  • Not sitting or lying on beds (this spreads germs). Please use the chairs provided.
  • Not visiting if you are unwell (such as suffering from a heavy cold, flu, diarrhoea and/or vomiting)
  • Not touching wounds, drips, catheters or medical equipment


What to wear

For sports clubs and teams we encourage you to visit in uniforms/training kits so you are easily recognisable. In accordance with our infection control guidance, all visitors are asked to be ‘bare below the elbow’ when in clinical areas.



Smoking is not permitted in the hospital or its grounds. Please extinguish all cigarettes well before you reach the hospital site.



Parking at our hospitals is limited. Further parking is also available in the pay and display car parks located around each hospital campus. Where possible the Communications Team will organise spaces at a convenient location outside the main entrance of our hospitals.

All hospitals are well served by public transport. For more information and timetables for the Medilink bus service or for directions to our hospitals please visit the getting here page on our website.



The Communications Team will liaise with any potential media arrangements for the visit. To minimise disruption on our wards we encourage filming/photography to take place in one area.


Gifts and presents

Although we do not expect gifts and presents to be brought into hospital, should you wish to do so, please: 

  • Do not bring flowers onto the ward
  • Do not wrap gifts
  • Consider that some patients may not be able to have chocolate and sweets due to their condition/religion (if bringing edible gifts)

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