Staff Physiotherapy Service

The Staff Physiotherapy Service is dedicated to supporting NUH staff who are suffering from musculoskeletal conditions that impact their work. We are here to try and help you stay at work, return to work, or work more effectively. Common conditions treated include back, neck, and shoulder pains and muscle strains.


Please refer to the self-help guides for common conditions. Click on each image to open the relevant guide.

back pain heel pain knee pain

neck pain shoulder pain persistent pain

pregnancy pain working at a desk physical activity


Does one or more of the following apply to you?

  • Are you off work due to a new musculoskeletal problem or condition?
  • Are you at risk of going off work due to a new musculoskeletal problem or condition?
  • Have you recently sustained an injury at work?
  • Have you recently undergone an operation?
  • Suffering with a new musculoskeletal complaint that is affecting your wellbeing
  • Persistent, worsening, or ongoing symptoms despite the use of self-help guides


if yes, please click here                     Image to click to email the staff physiotherapy service

Important: To access and submit a SOPS referral form, please follow the instructions below:

1. While using a work laptop or PC, click the button above to open the SOPS referral form.

2. Click on the blue button at the top of the screen saying “Download file” (you don’t need to save the file).

3. Click “open file” from the downloads pop-up window that appears in the top right of the screen.

4. When the Excel file opens, click on “enable content” at the top of the screen.

5. The welcome message will appear. Read it and click "ok.”

6. Fill out the form with your details. 

Tips: Use the mouse to place the cursor into the white boxes and fields as you move down the page. Ensure all boxes marked with a red asterix “*” are completed.

7. Once the first page is complete, click “go to screening sheet.”

8. Complete the screening sheet, then click “Click to go back to referral form.”

9. Complete the rest of the referral form, then click on "submit.”

Note: The form will disappear; it will be sent automatically to our mailbox. You will receive a read receipt message to the email you entered on your form when we open it.

10. If, for some reason, you are still having problems or are off work and don’t have access to a work PC or laptop, please don’t panic or struggle. Just email us at, and we’ll be in touch with you very soon.


What will happen next?

If you are eligible, you will be contacted by phone and asked some questions or given advice to aid your recovery. Following this, you may be offered a face-to-face appointment. The physiotherapist will offer to undertake a physical assessment. Your treatment options will then be discussed with you.

Is there anything else I can do in the meantime?

Make sure you follow the medical advice you have been given. Consider the appropriate use of medication that may have been prescribed for you. It is important that you have good pain relief. Try to prevent aggravating your symptoms. 

You may wish to consider contacting other supporting services as appropriate: Occupational Health, The Ergonomics and Back Care Advisors, or your GP.


If you have any queries, you can contact the Physiotherapy Department or the Staff Physiotherapists, Darren Ruskin (QMC/CITY), Rhi Hutchings (QMC), Ciaran Kinsella (City), and Marcus Greatbatch (QMC/CITY).

QMC Campus: 0115 8493312 or ex 82945 (Monday – Friday, 8 – 4.00) email
City Campus: 0115 9627679 or ex 77029  (Monday – Friday, 8 – 4.00) email

Alternatively, click here, and this leaflet will explain more about the service.