Medical and dental
Find out what medical and dental roles we have available.
We are really proud of our Trust Grade Programme here at NUH which is a gateway for UK based and international medical graduates looking for a foundation or core level role in medicine or surgery. We currently employ around 200 Trust Grades on this programme.
We advertise several times a year via NHS Jobs and you would normally start in line with one of the main junior doctor rotations. The programme provides you with three rotations a year either within medical specialties or surgical specialties. We seek preferences as to which specialties you are interested in undertaking, and do our best to meet your preferences where possible. The majority of our Trust Grades go on to secure a training number in the UK.
When you start, we support you with an induction programme including clinical skills and prescribing training, a period of shadowing during the day and shadowing on calls.
If you are joining us, and require a visa we will apply for a certificate of sponsorship for a skilled worker visa. Visa applications are for the candidate only and dependents applications will need to be completed by you.