How our research is changing lives

How our research is changing lives

NUH is one of the most research-active hospitals in the country. This is measured by:

  • the number of research trials and studies that we manage
  • the numbers of staff that we have working in research or undertaking research here and
  • the number of patients who take part in our research.  

Improving your care

The most important measure is the impact our research has on improving the care you receive at NUH.

Our research is improving treatment and care, introducing new and more effective treatments and changing national policy and guidelines for the standards of care that every patient receives from the NHS.

You can find a summary of achievements for each financial year below.

How we did in 2019-20

How we did in 2018-19

We have summarised the key numbers from our performance in 2018/19. View or download to see the details.

2018:19 in numbers.pdf[pdf] 49KB

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