Our research performance


We are proud of the research that we carry out at NUH and of the high standards that we achieve.

Our performance is regularly assessed by the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). The NIHR requires providers of NHS clinical research services to publish information on two aspects of their performance:

  1. initiating clinical research and
  2. delivery on time and to target for commercial clinical trials.

You can find full details of the reports we make to the NIHR on their website.

Performance reporting paused

The national performance reporting process has been paused until further notice. 

Our performance reports

You can find our previous reports along with a summary of our key achievements across all of our research at NUH in the drop-down menus below.


How we did in 2019-20

How we did in 2018-19

We have summarised the key numbers from our performance in 2018/19. View or download to see the details.

2018:19 in numbers.pdf[pdf] 49KB

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