CAS Youth Forum
It has been well documented that teenagers and young people have the right to be involved with issues that affect them. Here in the Cancer & Associated Specialities (CAS) division, we have set up a Youth Forum to open up decision making and work collaboratively with young people to enable them to have their say on how Nottingham University Hospitals should improve and develop its services.
NHS England recommends that health services for young people are informed by a Youth Forum. In order to enable better use of resources by providing services that young people want, bringing new perspectives and solutions to the conversation, and helping teenagers young adults to develop their own new skills and knowledge that they can use to boost their confidence and provide young people with opportunities and experiences that they can use to enhance their career and life opportunities.
In the CAS division, we see and treat many teenagers and young people across the specialities. However, there has not been the opportunity to involve young people in the designing of services. From our existing work with teenagers and young adults, it is obvious that young people have broad and positive ideas when it comes to making changes and as a Division, we wanted to help them raise their voices and actively involve them in planning, decision and subsequent evaluation.