Patient Initiated Requests to Move Provider (PIDMAS)

In England NHS patients have the right to request to move to a different hospital to receive their care/treatment if they have been waiting longer than 18 weeks. As the NHS continues to recover from the covid pandemic we are initially contacting all patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks and inviting them to be considered to move hospital to receive earlier care/treatment.

If you are eligible, you will receive a SMS and/or letter with the option to opt in on Tuesday 31 October 2023

Many patients may be deemed clinically appropriate to move provider. However, not in all circumstances will we be able to identify alternative capacity to facilitate a move.

Cohort 1 - 4578 eligible patients were contacted by text message or by letter

Eligibility Criteria for Cohort 1

NUH Patients who met all of the below have been invited to register their request to move to another provider:

  1. Patients referred to routine elective, consultant-led services.
  2. Patients who have been waiting over 40 weeks (with a referral-to-treatment [RTT] clock start date before 22nd January 2023).
  3. Patients on an admitted pathway who have received a decision to admit (DTA) but lack a To Come In (TCI) date within the next 8 weeks.
  4. Patients on a non-admitted pathway who have not yet had their first outpatient appointment and do not have an appointment date within the next 8 weeks.
  5. Patients who are not tertiary referrals.
  6. Patients who are not under the age of 18.

Only patients within this Cohort will be directly contacted and are eligible to choose to move provide.  Further Cohorts will follow in December and the Criteria will be shared on the website shortly.

The text message and letter states:

Patients waiting over 40 weeks may wish to consider moving hospital to receive earlier treatment. If you wish to be considered to move hospital please submit your details via Support to complete this is available on 0345 4506166.


If a patient of NUH requests to move provider, the NUH Administration and Clinical team will review each request and the details relating to the patient, to confirm the patients eligibility and suitability to move provider. 

The Administrative and Clinical review, may conclude it is not appropriate for some patients to move.  All patients will be contacted and notified of this decision and the reason why they are not be suitable to move provider.