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Magnet - Our journey to nursing excellence

We are delighted to annouce that we have achieved our ambition to be nationally and internationally recognised for excellence in care, and our journey to Magnet excellence has helped us to achieve this. Magnet recognition builds on our solid foundations evidenced by the 'Outstanding for Caring' rating from the Care Quality Commission.

What is Magnet® recognition?

Magnet® is the most esteemed accreditation globally awarded for care excellence.

The American Nurses Credentialing Centre ( ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program designates organisations worldwide where nursing leaders successfully align their nursing strategic goals to improve the organisation’s patient outcomes.

The Magnet Recognition Program provides a roadmap to nursing excellence, which benefits the whole of an organisation.

To nurses, Magnet Recognition means working in a culture of shared decision-making, education and development through every career stage and support for evidence-based practice, research and innovation leading to greater autonomy at the bedside.

To patients, it means the very best care, delivered by nurses and interdisciplinary teams who are supported to be the very best that they can be.


Why did we apply for Magnet recognition?

Magnet creates a framework to support an excellent work place culture and advances three goals within healthcare organisations:

  • Exemplary clinical care
  • Excellent patient experience
  • Excellent staff experience to promote job satisfaction and retention

Watch our video to find out about our Magnet journey

Contact us

For more information please contact the Institute of Care Excellence


Magnet accreditation FAQs

What is Magnet accreditation?

Magnet® is the most esteemed accreditation globally awarded for care excellence.

The American Nurses Credentialing Centre ( ANCC) Magnet Recognition Program designates organisations worldwide where nursing leaders successfully align their nursing strategic goals to improve the organisation’s patient outcomes.

The Magnet Recognition Program provides a roadmap to nursing excellence, which benefits the whole of an organisation.

To nurses, Magnet Recognition means working in a culture of shared decision-making, education and development through every career stage and support for evidence-based practice, research and innovation leading to greater autonomy at the bedside.

To patients, it means the very best care, delivered by nurses and interdisciplinary teams who are supported to be the very best that they can be.



How much does it cost?

The Magnet application process has a significant cost, however the evidence we have suggests that this cost will be more than paid back through the benefits the programme will deliver in relation to improved patient outcomes and staff experience.

Nottingham Hospitals Charity is supporting our Magnet journey in line with its ongoing commitment to promote delivery of world-class care in Nottingham.

Why did we seek Magnet accreditation?

Magnet creates a framework to support an excellent work place culture and advances three goals within healthcare organisations:

  • Exemplary clinical care
  • Excellent patient experience
  • Excellent staff experience to promote job satisfaction and retention

What does it mean for nurses at NUH?

Magnet accreditation validates the excellent nursing care that NUH provides, meaning staff feel appreciated and have an increased sense of pride in their role. Nurses at NUH are the first in the UK and only second in Europe to have received this esteemed international recognition.

Some examples of the characteristics defining Magnet hospitals are: Emphasis on personal and professional development, shared decision making, mutual respect and autonomy for nurses. These closely align to features that improve job satisfaction and retention of staff.

Being part of a Magnet Accredited Hospital is advantageous to a nurse’s future career opportunities as it recognises the high standards of care they provide.

Why don’t all hospitals have Magnet accreditation?

Applying for Magnet accreditation is a significant time and resource investment.

To apply, an organisation must have shown exemplary patient and staff outcomes and have two years of benchmarked data/evidence to demonstrate this.

NUH is the first hospital in the UK accredited in line with the current Magnet model. 

Where are we on our journey?

After nearly a decade of hard work, we are so proud to announce that we have achieved Magnet® Designation.

This means that Nottingham City Hospital has gained global recognition and has become the only hospital in the UK - and only the second in Europe - to be Magnet® recognised by the American Nurses’ Credentialing Center (ANCC).

You can read the full story here

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