Looking for an Apprenticeship at NUH?
We advertise apprentice vacancies at our hospitals as they become available. This means that you could start your Apprenticeship at any time of year.
All Apprenticeship opportunities are advertised on our website. Vacancies are advertised for two weeks and are advertised at various times throughout the year, as vacancies become available. The new-recruit Apprenticeships that we advertise are suitable for all new entrants to the NHS.
For more detailed information please visit the Institute for Apprenticeships website.
If you have any general queries or questions please email to wideningparticipation@nuh.nhs.uk or call Michelle Place, Apprentice Lead, on 01159691169 Ext: 71152
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What's on offer at NUH?
Here's how an Apprenticeship at NUH looks
- 18 months to four years, depending on the level you study
- You'll also gain a Functional Skills qualification in English and Maths (if applicable)
- You'll gain an Apprenticeship-standard qualification
- New recruits will benefit from a fixed-term contract
- Existing NUH staff can be fully-funded through an Apprenticeship
What is an Apprenticeship?
It's a programme of learning, leading to a qualification. The learning can be in a variety of subjects and at a variety of levels, from Level 2 (GCSE) to Level 7 (Masters). Both existing staff and new starter Apprenticeships are available.
What hours will I work?
The standard NHS full-time contract is 37.5 hours. As an Apprentice, you're expected to work a minimum of 30 hours to undertake the qualification full-time. Part-time workers aren't excluded, but must extend the length of time that they study for, to allow all of the learning hours to be included.
How much will I earn?
Our entry level Apprenticeships are currently paid £200 per week during the first 12 months on programme, reflecting the training nature of the role; rising to £240 per week from April 2024. Subsequent months on programme are paid at the national minimum wage for their age (details of which can be found at: National Minimum Wage - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)