Liver team photo

Liver Ward

Our ward specialises in hepatology and gastroenterology caring for patients with conditions such as liver disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastrointestinal cancers and inflammatory bowel disease.

Our patients are admitted from a variety of settings including: medical admissions units, critical care areas and outpatient clinics. We frequently take transfers from other hospitals for specialised procedures.

Our ward promotes Mealtimes Matters and encourages relatives that wish to visit during mealtimes to help if their relatives require assistance with meals.


Information for visitors

Important update: we have had to change our visiting arrangements in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. This national requirement aims to prevent the spread of infection and protect our patients, staff and visitors. We are doing everything possible to enable certain patient groups to have visitors.  For further information click here

Our ward is called F21 and is located on F Floor, West Block at the Queen's Medical Centre.

Visiting times are 10.00 to 20.30 every day. However, we are flexible for relatives to visit at other times with prior consent should these times be restrictive.

Daily ward rounds are from 08.00 with the ward consultant. If the patient consents, relatives can arrange to be present or arrange an appointment to discuss treatment plans by contacting the consultant’s secretary.

If you have any specific access requirements, queries or require support for your visit please contact our ward in advance.

To view a map of the Queens Medical Centre click here


Contact information

If you have recently spent time on our ward and you require information or support please call 0115 924 9924 using extension 89021

To arrange an appointment with your ward consultant, please contact your consultant's secretary. You can find contact details by visiting our contacts page.