Research Altruism Award

The Altruism Award. This award represents the nature of being kind to one another in the Research & Innovation department.

The person nominated for this award goes above and beyond and embodies Research & Innovation’s positive culture, working hard to make their workplace a place where weveryone is valued and welcomed.

People's Research Award

People’s Research Award

This Award recognises the efforts of an individual, team, or research project in bringing the voice of the patient directly into their research.

This includes examples that engaged patients, carers, public or communities new to clinical research in the development, design, delivery or other related activities. 

It exemplifies diversity of participation in clinical research, including initiatives to reach communities or individuals who are under-represented. 

Research Excellence Award

Research Excellence Award

The individual or team who has made significant contributions in the development and delivery of research including both early and later phases. 

This Award recognises those that have been most successful in reaching goals, adopted effective working practices, achieved major milestones within expected timelines, or contributed to the advancement of new treatments, or medical technology.

Research Impact Award

Research Excellence Impact Award

The clinical trial, study or project which reported results in 2021/22 that had the greatest impact. This will include an assessment of impact for patients, on healthcare practice, the development of new technology or research techniques, the use of data or the advancement of research knowledge. It will also include novel approaches to study design in response to changing patient pathways due to COVID-19 or more permanent transformation. Nominations should consider the impact in an area of unmet clinical or health and social care need. 

Early Career Award

Early Career Research Award

This award recognises the achievements of those who have made a significant first contribution to clinical research at NUH.

This may be as a first-time Principal Investigator, as part of a new research collaboration formed in 2021 or an individual in their first 12-months of a research role (in any capacity).

The Award seeks to identify and celebrate our “Research Heroes” whose contribution has benefitted colleagues, patients or communities in the last year.

Research Partnership Award

Research Excellence Partnership Award

Two or more organisations (one of which will be NUH) collaborating to deliver a successful clinical research project or outcome. 

Partnerships can be between NHS, academic, industry or third sector organisations working with individuals or teams based in NUH.

Directors' Awards

Directors’ awards

The Directors’ award will be selected by the Co-Clinical Directors of Research & Innovation. It recognises innovation in clinical research by an individual in two areas:

Contribution to international research

Where an individual has made an impact through international collaboration, the award of international grant funding or in supporting the development of clinical research practice outside of the UK.

Contribution to national research priorities 

Where an individual has directly contributed to national policy, guidelines or benchmarking through research outputs or in an advisory capacity.