The Clinical Immunology and Allergy Team

The department has 6 consultants, 2 speciality registrars, 4 clinical nurse specialists, a nurse administrator, a pharmacist and administrative team. It receives input from paediatricians and adult dietetic service and works closely in liaison with consultants from other specialities

The aims of our department are to:

  • Provide a patient centred, high quality, comprehensive and evidence based service for adults and children with immunodeficiency and auto inflammatory disease and adults with allergy.
  • Act as a focus for education in immunological and allergic conditions for patients, carers, medical students and postgraduates
  • Input in to paediatric Ataxia Telangiectasia clinic
  • Contribute to research in auto inflammatory diseases and Ataxia Telangiectasia
  • We are supported by UKAS accredited, high quality pathology laboratory services, which include our Immunology laboratory with a wide repertoire of available assays

Meet the team

Meet the team

Dr Alexandra Croom, Consultant Allergist

Dr Elizabeth McDermott, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Elizabeth Drewe, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Prashantha Madhuri Vaitla, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Alexandra Croom, Consultant Allergist

Dr Elizabeth McDermott, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Elizabeth Drewe, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Prashantha Madhuri Vaitla, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Betsy Cleave, Consultant Immunologist




Dr Betsy Cleave, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Will Bermingham, Consultant Immunologist

Dr Mohammed Abdalla, Speciality Registrar

Dr Roshni Pillai, Speciality Registrar

Kate Hopkinson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Tara Shearman, Clinical Nurse Specialist

Emily Spears, Clinical Nurse Specialist


Kate Hopkinson, Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Tara Shearman, Clinical Nurse Specialist

Emily Spears, Clinical Nurse Specialist

 Morgan Wallace Clinical Nurse Specialist





Julie Allsebrook, Nurse administrator

Stefanny Achunche, Pharmacist

Marie White-Cross, Secretary

Helen Morris, Secretary





Lisa Paulson, Secretary

Rhona Draper, Secretary

Inderjit Kaur, Secretary


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