Retired NHS worker, 87, first to receive Covid-19 vaccine at Nottingham University Hospitals | Latest news

Retired NHS worker, 87, first to receive Covid-19 vaccine at Nottingham University Hospitals

Retired NHS worker, Donald, of Mapperley, Nottinghamshire, was the first patient at our hospitals to receive the Covid-19 vaccine. 

Speaking after receiving the vaccine, Donald said: “I feel fine, it didn’t hurt, there’s nothing to worry about." Asked if he has any advice for those worried about having the vaccine, he said: “Have it, I’ll show them the way." He continued to say that the first thing he’ll do when he leaves hospital is “have a drink of whiskey.”


Our Deputy Chief Nurse, Scott Purser, who administered the vaccine to Donald, said:  “It’s been amazing today,the way NUH has pulled together to deliver the vaccine has been really amazing. I’m very proud. It’s a long road to recovery and this is the first of months of vaccinations for Nottingham, but it is great to have started the journey."

This follows the NHS selecting 50 hospital hubs, including Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, as part of the first wave of the vaccination programme, with more hospitals due to start vaccinating over the coming weeks. The largest rollout of a vaccination programme in the country's history will continue over the coming weeks and months.NUH Medical Director, Dr Keith Girling said: "I am pleased to confirm that NUH has been selected as a 'hospital hub' for the Covid-19 vaccination programme."

As well as people aged over 80, healthcare workers will also be receiving the jab from this week as they are at highest risk of serious illness from Covid-19. All those vaccinated will need a booster jab 28 days later. Patients aged 80 and above who are already attending hospital as an outpatient, and those who are being discharged home after a hospital stay, will be among the first to receive the life-saving jab. A wider vaccination programme will follow, to be delivered from vaccination centres treating large numbers of patients in sporting venues and conference centres, when further supplies of the vaccine become available. 


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