Drive to work
Although we dont encourage staff to drive into work, we do understand in some instances staff have no other option. We would ask all staff living within the city boundaries to be aware that Nottingham has fantastic public transport links and a number of park and ride sites from where you can easily catch the Medilink (free to all staff) to both the QMC or City campuses and the Phoenix Park park and ride (free to all staff) to City Hospital.
To view a map of the location of staff and visitor parking at QMC and City Hospital, click here - NUH - NHS Map v24.pdf [pdf] 524KB
If you have a permit we would also appreicate it if you were to use the KINTO Join app help the commute of those without a car or parking permit. KINTO Join is a free to register app that allows users to offer or request lifts to work, reducing the number of single occupancy journeys made on a day to day basis. By doing this you are help reduce congestion and the stress of commuting all while saving money on fuel and being kinder to the environment. You will also be able to gain points for recording shared journeys that can be put towards rewards and discounts (coming soon).
Parking fines
Staff are only able to park at any sight with the relevant permit, without a permit you will not be able ot park in any staff park car.
It is important to be aware that Security monitor our car parks and can give out parking contravention notices (PCNs) if you are found to be parking without a permit, blocking others, or outside of an official bay. These cost between £25-£50.
- If you receive one and would like to appeal please follow instructions on the PCN- do not ignore it as they are enforceable and are managed via our trust partners.