Understanding Long Covid

A significant part of our research is now focused on understanding why some patients continue to experience debilitating symptoms after their initial COVID-19 infection.

Working together with our experts on respiratory research in the NIHR Nottingham Biomedical Research Centre and the University of Nottingham, and supported by Nottingham Hospitals Charity, our research is helping to understand why some people go on to develop long-lasting symptoms.

We will be asessing the impact for patients who were admitted to NUH with COVID-19, those who had COVID-19 but did not need hospital admission and those who may have had mild or no symptoms of COVID-19.

Trials for recovery from COVID-19

Trials looking at aspects of Long Covid

  • C-MORE - Capturing the MultiORgan Effects of COVID-19 is assessing the prevalence and extent of persistent multi-organ damage in survivors of COVID-19. Although COVID-19 primarily affects the lungs, some people can develop damage to other vital organs including the heart, brain, liver and kidney.

  • DYNAMO - DYNamic Assessment of Multi Organ level dysfunction in patients recovering from COVID-19. Volunteers will be followed-up 3-4 months after discharge from hospital.

  • NoRCoRP - the Nottingham Recovery from COVID-19 Research Platform (NoRCoRP) brings together a number of research projects looking at the impact of COVID-19 and the needs of patients recovering after the infection.
  • PHOSP COVID - involves 20 universities and their partner NHS trusts, as well as charity partners AUK-BLF. It aims to recruit 10,000 people, to understand the longer term effects of COVID-19 for patients after they leave hospital.

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