Hereditary ovarian cancer

The resources below have been developed to support implementation of mainstreaming of the R207 Inherited ovarian cancer (without breast cancer cancer) panel now includes  BRCA1/2,  PALB2, MLH1, MHS2, MSH6, BRIP1, RAD51C and RAD51D through cancer services in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Derbyshire. We call this Mainstreaming Cancer Genetics (MCG).

These resources have been designed for use within our Trust and the district hospital which we serve. Any of the specialist nurses or clinicians involved in the care of patients with ovarian cancer can complete the training resources.

Please note that up to the 1/1/2023 we were only able to offer the R207 lite panel which didn’t include RAD51C, RAD51D and BRIP1. 

If you have queries please contact:

Steps for training

Steps for training

1. Email to arrange a time for face to face or virtual training.

2. Read the frequently asked questions before the face to face training:    MCG-FAQ1 V4.doc [doc] 123KB

Useful documents

• Frequently asked questions booklet:   MCG-FAQ1 V4.doc [doc] 123KB

• Protocol for the Nottingham gynae-oncology appointment:  MCG P2 V7 Ovarian Notts.pptx [pptx] 85KB

• Family history questionnaire: FHQ.xls [xls] 37KB

• Record of discussion (consent) form for patients with ovarian cancer:  MCG-OVARIAN ROD FORM 05.05.22.docx [docx] 35KB

• Blood form- Test request form East_GLH_Rare_Disease_Test_Order_Form

UK Cancer genetics group guidelines for BRCA1/2, PALB2, BRIP1, RAD51C/RAD51D and  Lynch syndrome can be found at the UKCGG website ( here UKCGG leaflets and guidelines - Cancer Genetics Group

Information sheets for patients

•Information about R207 Ovarian panel testing:  MCG IS6-R207- v3- Pt info ovarian cancer.doc [doc] 116KB

•A normal result:  MCG-IS2-V5-Pt-info-normal-result-all genes.doc [doc] 62KB

•An unclassified variant:   MCG-IS4-v4-Pt-info-VUS-all genes.docx [docx] 97KB

•A positive BRCA1/2 result:  MCG IS3-v4-BRCA positive.doc [doc] 194KB

•A positive PALB2 result:  MCG IS5-v4 Pt info-PALB2 positive.doc [doc] 154KB

•A positive Lynch (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6) result:  MCG IS7-v1 Pt info-Lynch positive.doc [doc] 195KB 

•A positive BRIP1 result:  MCG IS12-v1 Pt info-BRIP1.doc [doc] 154KB

•A positive RAD51C/D result:  MCG IS11-v1 Pt info-RAD51C-D.doc [doc] 154KB



Suggested template letters for patients

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