Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

About the technology

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the simulation of human intelligence by machines, usually computers. The AI used in this study is a type of ‘machine learning’ technique that reads Chest X-rays and alerts clinicians to a possible abnormality and may lead to faster diagnosis.


What is AI being used for? How does AI interpret signs of condition from a chest X-Ray? 

AI is being used to support clinicians in faster diagnosis by working as an additional screening tool. The AI has been trained to review the Chest X-ray and identify any abnormalities that could be serious and require a further test such as a scan to be done as soon as possible.


Are there any benefits of having my scan interpreted by AI in addition to a radiologist? 

AI software acts as a second pair of eyes in relooking at the image for additional safety for such cases. AI can also lead to faster progress for other tests that may be needed.


Is this system already used in NHS or UK hospitals?

Yes. After passing regulatory requirements, this system is being used across multiple NHS trusts.


Will this affect me or my care?

No. You will receive the usual care pathway during and following your chest X-ray. This means a report on the X-ray will be sent to the professional who asked for it and any additional tests you need will be organised for you.


Who is organising and funding the research? 

It is funded by NHS England and the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) group.


What is AI being used for? How does AI interpret signs of a condition from a chest X-ray? 

AI is being used to support clinicians in faster diagnosis by working as an additional screening tool. The AI technology can review the chest X-ray and identify any abnormalities that could be serious and require a further test such as a CT-scan to be done as soon as possible.


Are there any benefits of having my scan interpreted by AI in addition to a radiologist? 

AI software acts as a second pair of eyes in re-looking at the image for additional safety. AI can also lead to faster progress for other tests that may be needed.


Are there any risks for the patient?

No, there will be no additional risks associated with the study as the care you will receive remains the same.


How will the results of the study be used? 

If the results show that using this software leads to a quicker diagnosis of cancer, it will be recommended to policymakers for use in all UK hospitals. The study results will be published and distributed through scientific and medical conferences, but your information will be kept confidential.


Will my information be kept confidential and secured within the NHS?

Absolutely. Your reports will only be reviewed by General Practitioners and the Clinical Care team. In compliance with NHS Data Privacy Standards, we will maintain strict levels of confidentiality with all collected data and anonymise all information/data about taking part.  

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