Research Volunteers

Volunteer with us.

Volunteers are at the heart of the research we do at NUH.

We want to thank our inspiring volunteers who help us to change lives by helping our research teams to find new treatments, new technology and new advances in NHS care.

Apply now

Volunteer Application Form.doc [doc] 139KB

Volunteer person specification.doc [doc] 41KB

Welcome to Volunteering.pdf[pdf] 52KB


Do you want to find out more about the different volunteering opportunities we have at Research & Innovation? Click on the buttons below to get more information. 

Be a Hospital Research Volunteer

Be a Virtual Research Volunteer image

Be a Mobile Research Volunteer

You might like to know

What does a Research Volunteer do?

They work alongside our research teams to help the people who take part in research trials to have the best possible experience. Duties can include a whole range of things from meeting and greeting, checking people have all the necessary paperwork with them, getting feedback on their experience or just being someone to talk to. Everyday is different.


Do I need to know a lot about research?

No. You don’t need any experience or knowledge about research. We’ll introduce you to what we do and how research works. From then you’ll always be working with an experience research team or member of Research & Innovation staff who can tell you what you need to know. You’ll find you’ll pick up a lot of information as you go. It certainly helps if you’re interested in science, research or you have an interest in a particular disease or condition. But most of all research is about people.


Can I volunteer with a friend?

Yes, just tell us when you complete your application and registration as a volunteer and we’ll make sure you can work together. But if you are volunteering to meet other people, you’ll find Research Volunteering brings you into contact with a wide range of staff, patients and visitors across our hospitals, so you’ll soon feel part of the team.


I’m a student, can I volunteer?

Yes – as long as you are over 18 years old, you can apply to be a Research Volunteer. Our Research Volunteer roles are flexible and some are seasonal, so you can fit your volunteer hours around your study and other commitments.