Research - Epilepsy

Our philosophy

The NUH Epilepsy and Seizures team has been actively involved with national research projects since 2018. Our aim is to improve the understanding and treatment of epilepsy and related seizure disorders. We hope to achieve this through clinical research that answer the important and relevant questions about how everyday clinical practice can be developed to meet the ends of patients, carers and families living with these conditions.

Recent studies

BIOJUME study - is researching into the genes influencing Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME).

Use of Brivaracetam - this is a a relatively new antieplieptic drug. The findings were recently presented to the International League Against Epilepsy Conference in Birmingham.

Physio4FMD trial - Nottingham patients are currently being asked to volunteer for this UK-wide trial looking at the role of specialist Neurophysiotherapy in treating functional movement disorders, which are commonly associated with dissociative seizures.

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