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High Risk Samples

If a sample has an infection risk please ensure this is recorded on the referral card. If the name of the organism is not recorded a phone call will be made to the referring centre on receipt of the sample for this information and this may delay processing of the sample.

The laboratory only has appropriate containment facilities for specimens with a known infection risk at hazard group 2 plus the following three infections from hazard group 3: HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C.

Hazard Group 2: Specimens with a known infection risk at hazard group 2 can be processed by the Cytogenetics Department.

Hazard Group 3: Samples known to be at risk of hepatitis B or C or HIV can be processed by the Department with additional precautions. Please inform the laboratory so that appropriate measures can be taken. Specimens known to be at risk of other hazard group 3 pathogens, including mycobacterium tuberculosis, cannot be accepted by the Cytogenetics Department.

Hazard Group 4: The Cytogenetics Department cannot accept any hazard group 4 pathogens.

Please also refer to the HSE Approved List of biological agents

Page last reviewed 17/01/2024. Please note that if printed, information is only valid on the day of printing.

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