All Extra Topics workshops are online via Microsoft Teams. Each class is approximately 1 hour long, with the opportunity to ask questions at the end.
Extra Topics are designed to be attended after your main Parent Education Classes, from 32 weeks of pregnancy.
Relaxation and Empowerment
Suggestions of how to relax prior to and during labour, soothing anxiety and promoting a sense of positivity and empowerment.
Active Birth Water Birth
To discuss the importance of being active and mobile in labour and the use of water in labour/water births.
Induction of Labour
Discussing the process of an Induction of Labour.
Caesarean Section
Discussing birth by Caesarean Section.
Our Induction of Labour and Caesarean Section workshops are suitable for all, whether you are considering or have booked an Induction or Caesarean or not. General information will be given and individual circumstances with not be discussed in a group session.
Baby Care
Nappies, skin care and bathing. Includes demonstration.
Aimed at those taking session 2 online as included in the face to face session.
Birth Partners
For birth partners to attend alone, to discuss the role of a birth partner and how to be supportive in labour
Birth Planning
To support you to make plans for your labour and birth, help you think about your birth preferences and informed consent.
Vaginal Birth after Caesarean (VBAC)
If your previous baby was born via Caesarean Section and you are planning for a vaginal birth this time.
Multiples Q&A
If you are expecting twins or triplets, you may wish to attend our online multiples workshop, in addition our main classes. In this workshop we answer your questions and discuss subjects specific to multiple pregnancy such as pre-term labour, feeding more than one baby or small babies and signposting to support groups. Classes for people expecting Twins or Multiples are usually held earlier, due to the likelihood of an earlier birth.
The Extra Topic Booking Form will be send out after attending the Labour and Birth session. If you only wish to sign up for Extra Topics, please email us to request a booking form