Parent Education Classes

Parent Education classes are the ideal opportunity for people who are pregnant to attend with their birth partner, to help them prepare for labour, birth and life with a new baby.

We offer a choice of online and face to face classes which we recommend you attend around 32 weeks of pregnancy. You can book the classes any time after your 20 week scan. We recommend you book as soon as possible after 20 weeks if you wish to attend our face to face classes, as these do fill up quickly.

Please see the information at the bottom of this page which explain more about our main classes and our ‘extra topics’ which you may wish to book later in your pregnancy.

To book, please complete the booking forms below and send them to

Booking Form

Extra Topics booking form

If you have any questions or have difficulty filling out the forms, please email or call us 0115 9691169 ext. 75178.

Midwife Led Parent Education Classes

Parent Education Classes Information for families

Midwife Led Parent Education Classes

The Parent Education Team offers a choice of face to face or online sessions. The face to face sessions are held in the Maternity Unit at Nottingham City Hospital and give people an opportunity to meet and make friends and have a more practical experience. The online sessions are via Microsoft Teams and cover the same topics, but you can join from the comfort of your own home.  Sessions are available daytime, weekday evenings and weekends and are open to all mothers, birthing people and their birthing partner.

Session One - Labour and Birth

In this session we talk about the signs of labour and managing early labour at home. We discuss going into hospital, the stages of labour and positions for birth. We also talk about
different types of pain relief available and alternative coping methods.

Session Two - Early Parenting

In this session we talk about what to expect in the first few hours and days after birth and parenting in the first few week. We discuss baby care, safe sleep and getting to know your new baby. We also discuss  infant feeding and where to get help and support. 

Booking Classes

We recommend booking Sessions one and two after your 20 week scan. We aim to book you a place to attend around 32 weeks. If booking face to face sessions, the expectation is that you attend both sessions.

If you only require session one or session two, perhaps because you have had a baby before, we will offer you a place on an online class.

Multiples Workshop (Extra Topic)

If you are expecting twins or triplets, you may wish to attend our online multiples workshop, in addition to sessions one and two. In this class we discuss subjects specific to multiple pregnancy such as pre-term labour, feeding more than one baby or small babies and signposting to support groups.

For details about our other Extra Topics Workshops, such as Induction of Labour or Caesarean Sections, please see the information on pages 4 & 5 of this booklet.

How To Book

Email us and ask for a booking form 

Download a booking form using the links above or call and leave a message on our answerphone 0115 9691169 ext. 75178

Extra Topics Workshops

Extra Topics Workshops

All Extra Topics workshops are online via Microsoft Teams. Each class is approximately one hour long, with the opportunity to ask questions at the end.

Extra Topics are designed to be attended after your main Parent Education Classes, from 32 weeks of pregnancy.

Active Birth Water Birth

To discuss the importance of being active and mobile in  labour and the use of water in labour/water births.

Relaxation and Empowerment

Suggestions for relaxation for labour, soothing anxiety and promoting a sense of positivity and empowerment

Birth Choices

To support you to make choices for your birth and help you discuss your birth preferences and give consent.

Baby Care

Nappies, skin care and bathing. Includes demonstration. Aimed at those taking session t online as included in the face to face session.

Induction of Labour

Discussing the process of an Induction of Labour.

Caesarean Section

Discussing birth by Caesarean Section.

Our Induction of Labour and Caesarean Section workshops are suitable for all, whether you are considering/having an Induction or Caesarean or not. General information will be given and individual circumstances with not be discussed.

Birth Partners

For birth partners to attend alone, to discuss the role of a birth partner and how to be supportive in labour.


An online drop in session for postnatal advice once you are at home with your baby.

How to Book

Book your Extra Topics using our Extra Topic Booking Form, which we will email to you after your Labour and Birth session. Or email and request one.

Physiotherapists Led Classes

Look after yourself in Pregnancy and Beyond

This class is for pregnant individuals only and is held online as a question and answer session with a video playlist or as a face to face session.

The ideal time to take part is between 24 and 34 weeks of pregnancy. Advice is given about safe exercise in pregnancy, pelvic floor exercise, looking after your back, general aches of pregnancy and returning to fitness after birth.

Book this class using the Parent Education Classes Booking Form.

Our Physiotherapists also run the following Online Exercise Classes:

Antenatal Exercise

Physio-led exercise class for all abilities. Suitable from 20 weeks of pregnancy to full term. Focusing on core control, strength, flexibility and cardiovascular

Postnatal Exercise

An exercise class designed specifically to help you get stronger after giving birth. You need to be over 6 weeks postnatal and can participate up to 20 weeks after your   baby’s birth.

To book these classes, please contact the physio team   directly by calling 0115 9691169 ext.77792 and leaving a message with your full name and a contact number.


Parent Education Classes feedback

We appreciate and encourage feedback. If you need advice or are concerned about any aspect of care or treatment please speak to a member of staff or contact the Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS):

Freephone: 0800 183 0204

From abroad: +44 115 924 9924 ext 65412 or 62301

Deaf and hard of hearing: text 07812 270003


Letter: NUH NHS Trust, c/o PALS, Freepost NEA 14614,

Nottingham NG7 1BR


If you require a full list of references for this information please email or phone 0115 924 9924 ext. 67184.

The Trust endeavours to ensure that the information given here is accurate and impartial.

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