Clinic information

All facilities are on the ground floor and easy to access. A hearing loop is also available at reception.



If you have come by hospital arranged transport, please contact reception as soon as you are ready to leave.

Disabled spaces are available at the side of the unit and there is a drop off zone at the front door.



 A coffee shop run is available in the main reception hall. The outlet offers hot and cold drinks, snacks and sandwiches.


Fitting service

We now offer a dedicated fitting service with open access to our in-house shop.


Support suite

There is a private area for patients to discuss their diagnosis with specialist staff and volunteers.


Staff in training

Training and education for NHS staff is essential. As a specialist centre there are likely to be staff in training in the unit. Staff will always be fully supervised but please let staff know if you do not wish to have a member of staff training during your visit.


Maggie's Centre Nottingham

Maggie's Centres are for anyone affected by cancer. They are places where people are welcome whenever they need us, from just being diagnosed, through undergoing treatment to post-treatment, recurrence, end of life or in bereavement.



Comments on the service and facilities are welcomed. Comment sheets are available in the waiting areas and can be placed in the comments box at main reception. Alternatively, you can email your comments here. 

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