General Paediatric Clinical Psychology Service

 This service is unavailable at the moment. Please contact the Clinical Psychology Department on Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 86165 if you have a query.

Psychology Service The General Paediatric Psychology service is designed to provide help with managing the emotional consequences of living with a medical condition. The service is offered on an outpatient basis only and referrals are accepted from General Paediatricians Only (i.e., not from specialities).

It may be appropriate to make a referral when presenting concerns cannot be sufficiently addressed by the paediatrician or play therapists for the following:

  • Anxiety and/or low mood relating to a medical condition/treatment
  • Coping and adjustment to physical health condition
  • Managing pain and fatigue
  • Medically related phobias e.g. needles
  • Variable treatment adherence
  • Preparation for surgery
  • Physical appearance/body image concerns relating to condition or treatment

Please contact the clinical psychology department if you have a query.

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