Clinical Psychology Service for people with an Amputation or Limb Difference

We offer emotional wellbeing support to children and adults, as well as their families/carers, following an amputation or in relation to a congenital limb difference.

We can help patients with a range of issues related to having an amputation or limb difference, these may include: adjusting to living with an amputation or limb difference (including managing any impact on relationships/friendships, body image and other aspects of daily life); managing difficult feelings as a result of an amputation or limb difference (such as low mood and anxiety); managing pain; overcoming psychological barriers to treatment and rehabilitation, and; supporting carers or family members of people living with an amputation or limb difference.



Referrals to the Clinical Psychology service for people with an Amputation or Limb Difference can be made by any healthcare professional working within the Amputee service or associated healthcare services.

Please contact Dr Faye Corbett (Clinical Psychologist) at the Mobility Centre:

Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 76544

 for further information, or to discuss a referral.

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