Adult and Paediatric Clinical Haematology

Haematological Malignancies Service

The Clinical Psychology Service is available to provide specialist psychological assessment and interventions to adults aged 18 and over with a diagnosis of any haematological cancer. The service also supports adults undergoing stem cell transplants for the duration of time that they are under the care of the transplant team. Input can be provided to both inpatients and outpatients. Outpatient appointments will be held either via telephone, video call or face to face at the Clinical Haematology Department, City Hospital. 

Referral Criteria and Process

Outpatients experiencing psychological and emotional difficulties should contact their Clinical Nurse Specialist in the first instance. Support will be offered and onwards referrals to psychology will be made as necessary on their behalf. Inpatients can be referred directly to the service and will be seen as a priority.


Adult Haemoglobinopathy Service

The adult haemoglobinopathy service provides psychological assessment and intervention to anyone over the age of 18 with a diagnosis of sickle cell disease or thalassaemia. Outpatient appointments will be held either via telephone, video call or face to face at the Clinical Haematology Department, City Hospital. Inpatients will be seen face-to-face where possible.

Referral Criteria and Process

Referrals should be made directly to Dr Sarah Crozier via internal email using the appropriate referral form. Patients experiencing psychological and emotional difficulties can request referrals from the haemoglobinopathy team at any point. Psychological reviews form a part of standard annual reviews completed to give opportunities for difficulties to be raised.


Paediatric Haemoglobinopathy Service - Paediatric Sickle Cell Disease and Thalassaemia

The Paediatric Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Psychology service provides support to children, young people (up to 18 years old) and their families with the psychological and emotional aspects of Sickle Cell, Thalassaemia and other red cell disorders. This includes helping to understand and manage emotions, pain, difficulties with memory and concentration and a range of other difficulties that are linked to health and illness. The service provides individual psychology sessions and runs groups for children, young people and their parents. There is also psychology support throughout the process of transitioning from the paediatric to adult service.


Adult and Paediatric Haemophilia & Inherited Blood Disorders

The Clinical Psychology service for Haemophilia and Inherited Blood disorders is available for adults, children and their families/ carers who are under the care of Nottingham University Hospitals (NUH).  The service is available for 2.5 days a week.

Patients can be referred to see a clinical psychologist for a variety of reasons including:

  • New diagnosis of Haemophilia and inherited blood disorders
  • Worries or fears about things such as treatment, being in hospital and the future
  • Coping and living with HIV and/or Hepatitis C
  • Pain management
  • Making decisions about having or not having children
  • Moving from child to adult services
  • Emotional problems (Anxiety and depression)



Referrals can be made by from any member of the Haemophilia and Inherited Blood disorder multi-disciplinary team via email to Dr Safeena Ghufran

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