Staying in hospital

Before your baby is born you may be offered the option of being admitted to hospital for monitoring or treatment. If you are not already under the care of an obstetric consultant, you will be allocated to one at the time of your admission. The Midwifery team will care for you and you will be visited on the ward every day by one of the team of doctors who work with your consultant. The team will discuss and agree a plan of care with you.

After your baby is born you may choose to stay in hospital overnight, even if the birth has been straightforward or a midwife or doctor may recommend that you stay in hospital for monitoring or treatment. the plan of care will be discussed and agreed with you. Depending on the reason for admission, you may be cared for by the midwifery team alone, or both midwives and doctors.

More information, including mealtimes and menus, will be available by your bed.

Visiting hours

You can find information about visiting here: Visiting arrangements

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