Nottingham Traumatic Brain Injury Service

The Nottingham Traumatic Brain Injury Service is based at City Hospital. It provides a specialist case management and rehabilitation service to people in the Nottingham area who have sustained a traumatic brain injury.

The Traumatic Brain Injury team provide services including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Outreach Occupational Therapy.

Outreach Occupational Therapy

Outreach Occupational Therapy

The Outreach Occupational Therapist assists people following Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), in order to maximise their overall level of independence. They work on jointly agreed rehabilitation goals including:

  • Increasing independence in daily living tasks – getting dressed, cooking, shopping
  • Assessing for adaptive equipment to assist a person become more independent – such as for toileting/bathing equipment, perching stools, and referrals to wheelchair services
  • Increasing independence accessing the community – use of public transport, engaging in existing or new leisure activities, exploring local amenities such as the library, gym, café’s
  • Cognitive rehabilitation – to complete assessments to determine whether a person’s thinking skills (cognition)  e.g. memory/ organisational skills have been affected since their TBI and complete rehabilitation activities for this as required
  • Symptom management – to assist the person to develop practical strategies for managing symptoms such as fatigue, reduced memory, reduced stamina/ mobility and decreased confidence
  • Vocational rehabilitation – assessing the possibility of returning to work, studying, attaining voluntary work or seeking new employment/ training opportunities. Work place visits and liaison with employers, voluntary agencies, and educational establishments are completed as required.

Occupational therapy input can vary depending on the persons needs and jointly agreed rehabilitation goals.  There is no set time frame for treatment, and rehabilitation is completed jointly with other members of the multi-disciplinary team in order to achieve the best outcome for the person.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Cognitive behavioural therapies, or CBT, are a range of talking therapies based on the theory that thoughts, feelings, what we do and how our body feels are all connected. If we change one of these we can alter the others.

When people feel worried or distressed we often fall into patterns of thinking and responding which can worsen how we feel. CBT works to help us notice and change problematic thinking styles or behaviour patterns so we can feel better.

Problems such as depression, anxiety, anger, irritability, adjustment problems and trauma reactions are common in survivors of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and other neurological conditions. The Cognitive Behavioural Therapist provides a specialist psychotherapy service, taking referrals from the Case Managers and therapists within the team.

The therapist also provides advice, support, training and consultation to professionals, family members and carers of those presenting with emotional disorders and/or challenging behaviour after brain injury.

Referral criteria

We can only accept referrals from health professionals and patients must meet all the following criteria:

  • Are registered with a Nottingham area GP (the areas covered by the Nottingham City, Rushcliffe, Arnold, Gedling, and Broxtowe)
  • Have been admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours and have documented traumatic brain injury recorded in their medical notes.
  • Have a definite, documented traumatic brain injury recorded in their medical notes
  • Aged 16 years and over
  • The client must have clear brain injury rehabilitation goals

Internal referrals

From within NUH please complete an e-referral on careflow using the code ntbis.

External referrals

External referrals can be made by the clients GP

Please refer by writing to:

Specialist Neuro and TBI Rehabilitation

Mobility Centre

NUH City Campus

Hucknall Road



To discuss a referral please call 0115 9691169 ext 75150

Contact us

Tel: 0115 9691169 ext: 75150

Fax: 0115 993 4904


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