Cellular Pathology Request Card Guide

Request cards are fundamental for ordering tests in the Laboratories within the trust, below are the request cards that are used within the Cellular Pathology Service.

When sending the request cards and samples, it is important that they are filled out correctly to avoid any delays or mix ups.

You need to ensure that the relevant patient identifiers are supplied. Where possible please use the printed patient labels. 

This consists of Patients full name, Date of Birth, K number and/or NHS number, what specimen was taken, any relevant clinical details, Ward, Consultant, and Consultants Signature.

for more information please use the following links.

-CLCGP049 Sample Acceptance in Pathology Laboratories Procedure (July 2018) [pdf] 189KB

-CLCGP018 Request and Specimen Labelling Policy (July 2018) [pdf] 182KB

- Cell Path Request Card Guide v1.docx [docx] 3MB

Standard Histopathology/Cytology




Standard HMDN/ Flow Cytometry

request card with the header Molecular Diagnostics

Urgent Histopathology/Cytology

Urgent histopathology request Card

HMDN Bone Marrow Booking


GP Pathology Form

A Black and White request card that is used by GP's

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