Publication scheme part 2 - The classes if information

The information on this page is grouped into broad categories as follows:

  • The NHS and how we fit - Our position in the NHS - Local NHS structure
  • Who we are - Information about the Trust Board - Organisation and management of services - Working in partnership with other organisations
  • Financial and funding information - How we manage our financial resources - How we purchase supplies and equipment
  • Corporate information - Strategic plans - Annual Plan and Annual Report
  • Aims, targets and achievements - Financial targets - Performance monitoring - Waiting times - Service development - Who monitors the Trust?
  • Our services - Services at our Trust
  • Reports and independent inquiries - How we will publish reports
  • Principal policies and procedures - Range of policies available and contact information
  • Public involvement and consultation - National and local information and how to get involved
  • Regular publications and information for the public - General information
  • Complaints - Complaints procedure and who to contact
  • Human Resources - Staff Charter - Current HR programmes - Vacancies - Health, safety and wellbeing - Who to contact
  • Press and media releases - Contacts - Media releases
  • Environmental information - Who to contact
  • This Publication Scheme - Changes to the scheme - Cost of information - Copyright

The Publication Scheme is available in both hard copy and on our website.


1. The NHS and how we fit

The National Health Service (NHS) is a very large part of the public sector. A full list of all the NHS trusts can be found on

The strategic direction of the Trust is guided by the Department of Health and the principles set out in the NHS plan. The Department of Health website has links to key strategies that guide the NHS nationally.

Our website shows how we fit into the NHS across the area we serve. Our Annual Plan describes how we plan to meet national objectives and local needs and the Annual Report gives a yearly update about our achievements.


2. Who we are

The Trust offers a wide range of clinical services to the local population of Nottingham, and patients from further away. We work in close collaboration with primary care trusts and local general practitioners (GPs).

More information about our organisation, structure, location and contacts can be found here: Who we are and what we do


3. Financial and funding information

How we manage our financial resources

The Director of Finance and Procurement, Rupert Egginton, has corporate responsibility for the oversight of the Trust's finances.

Rupert Egginton
Director of Finance and Procurement
Trust HQ
North Road
City Hospital campus
Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust
Hucknall Road

Tel: 0115 969 1169 ext 76048

The Trust Board receives a monthly update on the financial position of the organisation and makes key decisions in regard to the allocation of these resources. The Trust is required, as a key target set by the Department of Health, to achieve financial balance at the end of each financial year.

The Trust makes available as much information as possible about the sources, and state, of our finances. In certain circumstances information intended for future publication, audit material, personal information, commercial or confidential information and criminal and regulatory investigative material or law enforcement material will be exempt from publication. Audit reports are carried out quarterly and requests for copies should be made to the Director of Finance and Procurement.

If you require any further information about our financial position please contact the Director of Finance and Procurement using the details provided above.

We already publish information on individual Contracts and Procurement awards over 25K here on Contracts Finder.

and also  any  open opportunities and individual procurements over 118K for goods and services or £4.5m for works are advertised and published via he EU Journal (OJEU)which can be accessed here

4. Corporate information

The Trust will routinely publish a substantial amount of information.

The Trust's Annual Report and Annual Plan are available on our website or upon request from the Communications Department.

Documents we will publish routinely include:

  • Strategic direction
  • Corporate objectives
  • Charitable Funds Report
  • Organisational policies (see Class 8 in which some of the Trust's principal policies are listed)
  • Trust strategies
  • Trust Board papers
  • Voluntary Services report

If you do not have access to the internet, or the documents are not available from the internet, please contact the Communications Department. MISSING LINK


5. Aims, targets and achievements


Every year the Trust prepares a Financial Plan, which is presented to the Trust Board for approval. The key financial targets which are measured are divided into primary and secondary duties:

  • Primary duty
    • To achieve break-even on income and expenditure on an annual basis, unless exceptional costs are incurred.
  • Secondary duties
    • To achieve a capital cost absorption duty of 3.5% within a range of 0.5% either side
    • Not to breach its External Financing Limit (EFL)
    • Not to breach its Capital Resource Limit (CRL)

Under the  Better Payments Practice Compliance (BPPC), the Trust is required to pay 95% of its trade creditors within 30 days

The Trust is also committed to ensuring that best value is obtained wherever possible without compromising the quality of patient care.



The quality of the services we provide and our progress towards meeting the targets set by the Government are monitored through various performance reviews.

The Trust's performance is reviewed by the Trust Board every month and the reports are available to the public on our website. Details on how to obtain copies are given in Class 2 "Who we are".


Waiting times

We publish information about waiting times for out patient appointments, day case and inpatient admissions on the National Health Service Website at


How we measure our performance


Governance is defined by the Audit Commission as 'the systems and processes by which health bodies lead, direct and control their functions, in order to achieve organisational objectives, and by which they relate to their partners and the wider community". The Board ensures that governance issues are managed effectively.


Who monitors the Trust?

The Trust is monitored and scrutinised by a number of external bodies, covering different aspects of its performance, for example professional conduct, services and adverse events. A list of such bodies is at Appendix 2.


6. Our services

Information about the services we offer is available under our services section on the website.


7. Reports and independent inquiries

Class 5 addresses how the Trust is measured by other organisations, which informs how we measure ourselves. Some of these organisations also conduct inspections of our services. We will use this section to inform the public of the results of some of these inspections and investigations.

We will not release the results of any inspection before the inspection process is completed. Similarly, we will not release any information pertaining to an investigation without the agreement of the inspecting organisation. Some information that is of a personal and confidential nature will be excluded from the publication of the inspection reports, as will any other confidential material. Material relating to the health and safety of specific individuals, to law enforcement, to criminal or regulatory investigation material or to audit issues may also be excluded from publication.


8. Policies and procedures

The Trust has a large number of policies, which set out the organisation's rules and provide guidance to staff.


9. Public involvement and consultation

We have a statutory duty to involve service users, carers and the public in the work of the organisation. As stated in class 5, 'Our services, we will include this publication scheme in the ways we inform the public of any proposed service changes or variations in accordance with our duties under section 11 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001.


Patient and public involvement

Patient and public involvement is the process of engaging with the needs and expectations of patients and putting the public at the heart of NUH's decision-making. Specifically it is concerned with exchanging information, mutual listening, and accepting that people should be allowed to influence their own care and the services they receive. Click here for more information.


Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)

The PALS service is there during office hours for people who need advice, have concerns, want to tell us what they think about any aspect of the NHS or don't know where to turn.

Your thoughts on our service/patient feedback boards

'Your thoughts on our service'/patient feedback noticeboards are situated around the Trust, which enable anyone to feed back comments about services. These comment sheets are collected and the feedback collated by the ward and department heads. The themes and actions taken around the comments are then displayed on the feedback boards for patients/carers and staff to see.



The Trust welcomes volunteers in many of its wards and departments. Click here for more information.


10. Regular publications and information for the public

Information about the business processes of the Trust is detailed in Classes 2, 3 and 4.

The Trust publishes a variety of information on our website, for example, how to access our services, information about clinical conditions and self-help groups and many other items of interest.

Information about how to contact the Trust and a telephone directory can be found here: MISSING LINK.

If you do not have your own internet connection, it is advisable to telephone the relevant department to ask them for the information you require. Service numbers are listed in the telephone directory, or if you do not know the extension number of the department you require, you can contact our switchboards on:

  • 0115 969 1169 for City campus
  • 0115 924 9924 for the QMC campus.


General information about the NHS

Most of this information can be found on the Department of Health's website at


Information about clinical conditions

NHS Evidence and the NHS website both provide online access to health information and advice.


Other items of interest

The Trust produces a bi-monthly staff magazine, which includes a lively mixture of news and features about activities on each of our campuses.

Please contact our Communications Department for further information about the Trust:


11. Complaints

The Trust welcomes complaints, compliments, comments and suggestions about the way in which we undertake our work. Click here for information about our complaints process.


12. Human Resources

Key areas of responsibility

Overall responsibility for Human Resources lies with the Director of HR, who is responsible for the human resources strategy, pay and reward policy and personnel matters including medical staff and recruitment, staff training and development.



Class 8 lists some of the policies the Trust has in place or is developing in regard to Human Resources.


Equity and equality

The Trust is an equal opportunities employer and aims to eliminate all forms of discrimination. Behaviour regarded as bullying, harassment or victimisation is not tolerated and is dealt with in accordance with the agreed Trust procedures. Managers ensure that every member of staff is treated fairly and equitably whilst in the employment of the Trust, irrespective of their position or job. Everyone is expected to treat his or her colleagues with respect and dignity at all times.


Communicating with staff

The Trust has effective two-way communication/consultation processes that allow staff to carry out their job effectively. Staff are encouraged to become members of recognised trade unions and staff associations and are consulted on all major issues affecting the Trust.

Managers are responsible for providing staff with information on matters relevant to them and their role.

Staff are encouraged to express their ideas and opinions and to share information with both their colleagues and managers in an open and honest manner.

We have a weekly, electronic, staff bulletin, which provides brief, up-to-date information on Trust issues and direct readers to other sources of further information as appropriate. A bi-monthly staff magazine is also published and made widely available.


Staff involvement

The Trust endeavours to ensure that staff have the opportunity to participate in all decisions which have implications for them, from major organisational change to day-to-day decisions about how services are delivered. Managers ensure that staff are involved in making decisions within their department/directorate. Staff are expected to participate in the decision-making process when given the opportunity to do so.


Quality of working life

The Trust is committed to providing more flexible and supportive working practices, which recognise family and carer responsibilities. We respect everyone's right to make their own choices about the balance between work and life and recognise that the emphasis will shift as individual circumstances and careers develop. Managers will, wherever possible according to the needs of the service, endeavour to promote a variety of working arrangements that offer staff a choice, flexibility and greater individual control in their working life. Staff are expected to be flexible and adaptable in response to changing circumstances based on the needs of their colleagues and the necessity to deliver a 24-hour service to patients.


Improving Working Lives (IWL)

The NHS plan makes a commitment to invest in NHS staff. It recognises that a modern NHS must offer staff a better deal in their working lives. Improving the working lives of staff contributes directly to better patient care through improved recruitment and retention - and because patients want to be treated by well motivated, fairly rewarded staff.

The IWL standard has been developed through consultation with staff, unions and professional bodies. It describes the commitment expected from NHS employers to create well-managed flexible working environments that support staff, promote their welfare and respect their need to balance work and home life.


Learning, education and development

The Trust provides the necessary training, education and development to enable our staff to carry out their jobs effectively and to assist them to develop their potential.

Our managers ensure that staff are provided with regular opportunities to discuss their personal and professional development needs and receive fair access to training, education and development.

Our staff are expected to take responsibility for their own personal development by taking full advantage of all opportunities that are provided to them to enhance their skills, knowledge and experience.


Paying our staff

The Pay Services section manages the processes involved in paying our staff. The majority of staff who have pensions are contracted in to the NHS Pension Scheme.


Health, safety and wellbeing

The Trust ensures that the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees are not endangered while they are at work and provide services to support healthy lifestyles for all staff. Any form of violence against staff is not tolerated.

Managers have the responsibility for health and safety in the workplace and will promote the services which are available to staff while they are employed by the Trust.

Staff are expected to take a personal responsibility for the health and safety of both themselves and their colleagues and they are encouraged to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Staff must at all times observe their personal duty of care and relevant professional codes of conduct.

See Section 8, 'Policies and procedures' for information about our health and safety policies.



The Trust is an Equal Opportunities Employer.

The Trust implements policies to promote equality of opportunity for all staff regardless of race, ethnic or national origin, disability, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, religious beliefs, creed and marital status.

All posts are considered for job share.


13. Communications with the press and media releases

The Communications Department is the main contact point for news about activities and events taking place at the Trust. The department is responsible for media relations, external communications and supporting staff communications within the Trust.


14. Environmental information

In this class we will publish information about our estate and land holdings and their uses.

This class will also include information required to be in the public domain as a result of Environmental Information Regulations and any Environmental Enforcement actions.

Information about the NHS standards about the Patient's Environment is available from the NHS Estates website

The Trust Board receive regular updates about our facilities, our performance in line with these standards, and actions planned.


15. This Publication Scheme

In this class we will publish any changes we make to this Publication Scheme, the criteria on which our information management policies are made and a referral point for all enquiries regarding information management generally in the Trust. We will also publish any proposed changes or additions to publications already available.


Cost of information

For the most part, we will charge you only for hard copies or copying onto media (e.g. CD). Some information is available free of charge, but there may be a charge for other information. The charges will vary according to how information is made available. Charges are as follows:

  • Trust website ( information is free of charge, although any charges for internet service provider and personal printing costs would have to be met by the individual requesting the information.
  • Single page printout from the website - available free of charge from the relevant department listed in the scheme. Please note, we will not provide printouts from other organisations' websites.
  • Multiple page printouts and archived copies of documents that are not available on the website - there may be a charge to cover the cost of retrieval, photocopying and postage. We will let you know the cost and charges that have to be made in advance.
  • Leaflets and brochures on services that we offer are free of charge. A list is given in class 11.
  • 'Glossy' or other bound paper copies, CD, video or other media - a charge will be made for information in these formats. Please contact the Executive Business Manager for further information.
  • Email - information sent by email will usually be free of charge, unless stated otherwise. Where applicable, we will let you know the cost and charges that have to be made in advance.

The charges will be reviewed regularly.



The material available through this Publication Scheme is subject to the Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust's copyright unless otherwise indicated. Unless expressly indicated on the material to the contrary, it may be downloaded and reproduced without charge for personal use, private study, research or in-house use. It must be reproduced accurately and not used in a misleading manner. You must identify the source material and acknowledge copyright status. None of the copyright items in this Scheme may be re-published or copied to others, unless formal permission is obtained from the copyright holder. Permission to reproduce material does not extend to any material accessed through the Publication Scheme that is the copyright of third parties. You must obtain authorisation to reproduce such material from the copyright holders concerned. For HMSO Guidance Notes on a range of copyright issues, see the UK Legislation website at

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Whilst we have tried to compile accurate information and to keep it updated, we cannot guarantee that it is one hundred percent complete or correct.

The information provided does not constitute professional advice and is subject to change.

This Publication Scheme was first created in March 2006 and is reviewed annually.

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