Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders

The Movement Disorder Service operates at both QMC and City Hospital.

It is led by consultant neurologists Dr G Sawle, Dr G Sare and Dr Evans.

Care for Parkinson's patients may also be under one of the other hospital neurologists or under the health care of older people (HCOP) consultants Dr R Morris and Dr N Nandi.

Contact us


Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 83439

Parkinson's Clinics

The movement disorder clinic takes place on Wednesday mornings. Nurse-led clinics are on Monday and Thursday mornings. All are held in Clinic 2 at QMC.

The Parkinson's disease nurse specialists see patients in the newly diagnosed Parkinson’s clinic on Tuesdays at Nottingham City Rehabilitation Unit, along with the physiotherapist and occupational therapist.

We can offer telephone advice and support to any patient who is under a neurologist or HCOP movement disorder specialist at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 83439.

Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist

The role of the Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialists (PDNSs) is to provide support and advice to people with Parkinson's, their families and also other professionals who may be involved with a patient’s care. This will be ongoing and in a variety of settings, including in the movement disorder clinic, nurse-led clinics and newly diagnosed clinic and through telephone contact.

The PDNSs can facilitate referrals as appropriate to physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist etc.

PDNSs can also help with discussing and understanding your drug treatment. Your medication may be different or vary in dosages to other people you may know with Parkinson's but it will have been prescribed to suit your particular symptoms.

Types of medication and dose may alter throughout your treatment and it is important that you understand why you are taking medication and are aware of possible side effects so that you get maximum benefit. Don't be afraid to ask questions. We have written information available and further information is available from Parkinsons UK.

Admission to hospital

Planned admissions

If you have a planned admission to hospital please ensure you take all your medication into hospital with you, labelled correctly and in the correct boxes. This will help the doctors easily identify the medication you are currently taking.

If you are on a complicated medication regime, it may be useful to also write down a list of the medications you are taking, along with the doses and times taken. Previous patients have benefited from doing this and have duplicate copies to give to various hospital staff.

Usually when a planned admission to hospital is arranged you will be asked to come in for a pre-operative assessment first. This would be a good time to discuss any concerns you may have about medication. It is also a good idea to give the doctor a written copy of your medication regime at this time.

You may also wish to contact Parkinson's UK, which provides leaflets for patients with advice and tips for when you have to go to hospital, and a wash bag with further information.


Unplanned admissions

If you are admitted to hospital suddenly, although you may not necessarily have all your medication with you, try to give an accurate list of what you are taking. We would suggest that you carry in your wallet a list of medications, doses and times taken, which will help the medical staff in prescribing your medications if you are not in a position to communicate this effectively. This will help reduce the possibility of you not receiving your medications on time whilst in hospital.


Queries and concerns

If you have any concerns about coming into hospital, you or your consultant can contact the Parkinson's Disease Nurse Specialist for further advice.

NUH Rehabilitation Unit

The NUH Rehabilitation Unit provides individual rehabilitation for people with a range of different health needs including Parkinson's. A referral to the unit from a health professional is needed. For those with Parkinson's this is often the Parkinson's nurse specialist or neurologist.

Attendance at the unit is usually for one to two sessions a week for six to eight weeks. The team is friendly and approachable and aims to create a relaxed atmosphere to maximise the benefit of the rehabilitation treatment offered.

The assessment and treatment is delivered by an experienced team which includes doctors, nurses, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and rehabilitation support staff.

The unit is fully wheelchair accessible and walking equipment can be provided. There is also a drink and light meals service and special diets can be catered for.

For further information contact the unit on: 0115 962 7618.


NUH patients with Parkinson's can access physiotherapy via the Parkinson’s consultants or Parkinson’s Disease Specialist Nurses. People who live in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire can self-refer by calling: 07812 268 229.

If you attend the movement disorder clinic a physiotherapist specialising in movement disorders is usually available to assess your specific requirements whilst you are attending your clinic appointment.

There are physiotherapy exercise groups run specifically for people with Parkinson's by the movement disorder physiotherapist on Wednesday afternoons (2.30pm to 3.30pm) and evenings (7pm to 8pm) in Nottingham.

The groups have been extremely successful and spaces are therefore limited, with Nottingham City residents having priority.

These take place at Trent Vineyard, Unit 1, Easter Park, Lenton Lane, Nottingham, NG7 2PX.

For further information contact the NUH Rehab Unit on: 0115 962 7618 or 07812 268 229 or ask at the Movement Disorder Clinic or in local Parkinson's UK branches.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapists (OTs) help people with Parkinson's and their families identify and address the problems which are affecting their lifestyle. They do this by looking at their particular physical, social and emotional needs.

Once these have been identified OTs can help by offering advice, information and support on specific ways to manage everyday activities which are affected by the symptoms of Parkinson's.

This may include recommending particular pieces of equipment, and/or teaching new strategies and techniques to carry out these everyday activities. It may also include specific information and advice on maintaining work, leisure and driving.

Speech and Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy is available for any patient with speech or swallowing difficulties.

Please visit Speech and Language Therapy for further information by clicking on the link below.

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