Palliative Care

The palliative care approach is to focus on quality of life and good symptom control in patients whose disease is not responsive to curative treatment. It centres on holistic care of patients and relatives, whatever their disease. Psychological, social and spiritual aspects are dealt with as well as physical aspects.

Palliative care is provided by all healthcare professionals, including doctors and nurses. When patients require more specialist palliative care, this is provided by the specialist palliative care services.

Specialist Palliative Care Services in Nottingham

Specialist palliative care services at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust are based at Hayward House, City Hospital. At the Queen’s Medical Centre specialist palliative care is provided by the Hospital Palliative Care Team. In the community, specialist palliative care is provided by the Community Palliative Care Teams based in the City and the County.

Hayward House at City Hospital Nottingham  


Contact us

Hayward House reception: 0115 962 7619

Fax: 0115 962 7779

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