Welcome to the Nottingham Kidney Transplant Centre
Welcome to the Nottingham Kidney Transplant Unit which is based at the City Hospital Campus of Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust.
The catchment area for adult transplants covers much of Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Staffordshire as patients from the Derby Renal Unit are also referred to Nottingham for transplantation. Currently there are around 130 people on the active waiting list for a transplant, 80-100 adult and paediatric transplants are done each year, with over 700 patients being cared for with a working kidney transplant.
A kidney transplant is the best treatment for medically suitable patients with end stage kidney disease. This may be a transplant from a live donor who will usually be someone who is close to you or from a deceased donor where they or their family have wanted their organs to be used. We offer a comprehensive kidney transplant service and you can find out more about the different aspects of this on this website.
There are a number of steps involved in having a kidney transplant which are summarised below.