Home birth

Home birth image A home birth allows you to labour and give birth to your baby in a familiar, relaxing and private environment.

You will receive one-to-one care from a midwife in your own home and will have two midwives present for the birth. Research shows that planning a home birth means you are more likely to have a birth without interventions, even if you need to be transferred in to hospital.

You are particularly suitable for a home birth if you have no medical conditions, have had a uncomplicated pregnancy, did not experience complications in any previous labours and labour starts spontaneously after 37 weeks.

If it is your second, third or fourth baby and you are not at risk for developing complications during labour, home birth is safe for you and your baby. If it is your first baby there is a small increase risk to your baby compared to birthing at the Sanctuary Birth Centre or Labour Suite.

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