Maternity services
Our hospitals provide maternity care for more than 8,000 women every year
We are committed to empowering and supporting you and your family in your preferred infant feeding method and want to ensure that you have all of the information that you need to make informed decisions about feeding your baby.
Joint Infant Feeding Leads:
Katherine Jones
Bethan Sidoli
Infant Feeding Support Workers:
Shanon Casey
Emma Hunter
Clair Piper
Kiri Mitchell
Lauren Birks
Our specialist Infant Feeding clinic is open by appointment only on Mondays, Wednesday’s and Fridays for outpatients with babies up to six weeks of age.
The clinics are available when specialist support is needed or feeding problems do not resolve after routine postnatal care. This includes:
Your midwife, health visitor or GP can refer you to our infant feeding clinic.
Infant Feeding Support Links:
Breastfeeding leaflet (unicef.org.uk)
Tongue Tie Leaflet link
NUH Maternity - A guide on the position for breastfeeding - YouTube
NUH Maternity - A guide to hand expressing - YouTube
Infant formula and responsive bottle feeding (unicef.org.uk)
Attaching Your Baby at the Breast - Video - Global Health Media Project
How to know your baby is feeding well:
Breastfeeding assessment tool - maternity (unicef.org.uk)
UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative - Bottle Feeding Assessment
Yes, a great idea. Have a go from 37 weeks pregnant. Don’t worry if colostrum (first milk) doesn’t appear at first. Ask your community midwife for help.
It’s a great way to get familiar with your breasts and how they work. In some cases it’s very helpful to collect and store any available colostrum e.g. if you are a woman with diabetes and your baby will have special nutritional needs at first.
No, not necessarily. You may choose to get one later, for example if you return to work whilst breastfeeding but it is not necessary. Wait and see.
Skin to skin contact between mum and baby as soon as possible after birth and ideally continuing until the baby is ready and able to breastfeed really does help get breastfeeding off to a good start.
The best way to avoid sore nipples is to ensure baby is feeding in the correct way (see The Mothers Guide to Breastfeeding, which is available from your midwife). Sore nipples are not a natural part of breastfeeding but you will need help to make sure they do not develop.
If the baby is feeding correctly at the breast and feeds as often as he or she wishes you will have enough milk for not just one but even two or three babies! It is unusual not to be able to produce enough milk. Remember it is a natural thing to do for both you and your baby.
Sometimes you may be advised to have medication in labour. It will be possible to breastfeed even if you do because drugs are chosen to avoid the risk of affecting breast milk. If you needed a drug which was unsuitable, which is unlikely, you would be informed.
Some medication such as pethidine which is given in labour affects the baby directly, although temporarily, and the baby may initially be a bit sleepy and unwilling to feed. In this case you may need to express your breasts and give the milk to your baby until he or she is ready to breastfeed.