
Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust employs around 80 people as part of the cross town dietetic and nutrition service. Registered dietitians work with dietetic assistants and administrative staff to provide dietetic advice and support on both campuses.

We also provide funded outreach services to other areas, including Nottinghamshire Healthcare Trust and The Park Hospital and there are good links with dietetic departments across Nottinghamshire.

Research suggests that a significant number of patients in hospital are undernourished and this has a negative effect on treatment and recovery. Dietitians work closely with other hospital staff to support good nutrition for all patients.

Nutritional support has an important role in preparing patients for intensive treatment and supporting recovery. Individual dietitians and assistants work directly with the most complex undernourished patients, including those who are artificially fed via enteral or parenteral nutrition.

Contact us and find us


City Hospital
Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 55798

Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 61628


Opening times

8am - 5 pm Monday- Friday



City Campus
Physiotherapy corridor at point P2

Queens Campus
West Block
C Floor

Children's teams
D Floor
East Block

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