General diabetes clinics
These are run by consultants, diabetes specialist nurses and diabetes specialist dieticians.
Clinics for special groups
Young people with diabetes
These clinics have been designed to see and support people aged 16 to 25.
Foot clinic
This clinic takes place at Dundee House (Nottingham City Hospital). A daily clinic is held for patients with foot problems.
Nephropathy (kidney) clinic
This clinic is run for people who have kidney problems caused by diabetes (nephropathy).
Antenatal clinic
This clinic runs jointly with the obstetricians (doctors who specialise in pregnancy) for women with diabetes who are pregnant so that obstetric and diabetic check-ups can be done at the same time.
Pump clinic
This clinic has been specially designed to support insulin pump users and is run jointly by a nurse, a doctor and a dietitian.
Cystic Fibrosis
We run joint clinics with the respiratory team.
If you have had surgery to your pancreas we will see you in a clinic supported by a consultant, dietitian and nurse with a special interest.
Counselling service for patients with diabetes.