BCG and Screening Clinics

We provide nurse-led BCG vaccination and TB Screening Clinics by appointment only on Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning and Friday morning in the outpatient department at City Hospital. 

Screening Clinic

If you require screening for TB and are under the age of 65 you will be reviewed for symptoms and given a mantoux test. You will be required to attend two appointments and it is important that you attend both. On the first appointment you will be given the mantoux test which is a small injection that is administered just under the surface of the skin. This will be assessed and the results recorded at your second appintment which will be 48-72 hours after the injection. If you are unable to attend both clinics please let us know as we will need to offer you another appointment. 

If you are over 65 years of age you will be reviewed for symptoms and asked to attend for a chest x-ray which will be examined for signs of TB.

If your results are positive, you may be asked to attend for further blood tests before being reviewed by a doctor. A positive result does not necessarily mean that you have active TB or are infectious but it may mean that you have latent TB and you could be offered treatment to prevent TB from developing in the future.

BCG Clinics

The BCG vaccine is no longer offered to everyone in the UK. The recommendation from Public Health is to vaccinate those who may have an increased risk of exposure to TB or of developing TB. Public Health guidelines are set out in the Immunisation Green Book.

Further information about the BCG vaccination can be found here and here.

If you are unwell on the day of your appointment please telephone for advice as we may have to defer your vaccination until you are better.

If you are unable to attend your appointment please telephone and let us know so that we can offer your appointment to someone else.

If you think you require the BCG vaccination and this has not been offered to you, please contact us on 0115 9628051 and we will be happy to discuss this with you.

Please note that if your baby was born at QMC and requires the BCG vaccination they will be offered an appointment at the BCG clinic at QMC. If your baby was born at City Hospital they will be referred to the TB service and offered an appointment at the BCG clinic at City Hospital.

We are currently using an unlicensed BCG vaccination and more information can be found about this here.

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