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National Repository Centre (Body donation)

The National Repository Centre, based at City Hospital, was established in 2015 to support members of the public who wish to donate their bodies to medical science and training.

Leaving your body to the National Repository Centre after death is an extraordinarily generous decision. It understandably requires significant consideration and the Centre is able to support you by providing you with relevant information to help inform your choice.

We work with patients, carers, relatives and bereavement services to ensure that potential donors have relevant information and support.

Body donations are highly valued and respected by health care professionals and may be used for:

  • anatomical examination
  • education and training – donors support the training of current and future surgeons
  • the development of new and innovative surgical techniques for the benefit of future patients

The Centre is licensed by the Human Tissue Authority (HTA) and is managed by senior consultant medical staff.

For more information on the Human Tissue Authority please click here. 

Further information and documents

Contact us

Mr Mark Curwood - Senior Anatomy Technologist 



The National Repository Centre

Postgraduate Education & Conference Centre

City Hospital Campus

Hucknall Road



Tel: 0115 962 7683


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