Critical Care Nurse

Adult Critical Care

We provide critical care services at QMC and City Hospital. Our dedicated critical care team includes Doctors, Advanced Critical Care Practitioners, Nurses, Allied Health Professionals, and Pharmacists who provide care for patients affected by a range of serious health conditions.

There are three critical care departments across our two hospital sites:

  • Adult Intensive Care Unit (QMC )

For patients with a range of acute needs, patients who require more specialist nursing/medical support than the general ward level can provide. We specialise in major trauma, spinal and neurological injuries alongside hepatobiliary conditions.

  • Critical Care High Dependency - E12 (QMC)

​​​​​​​For patients who need more specialist nursing/medical high dependency support than the general ward level requiring but do not require intensive care.

  • Critical Care Department (City)

​​​​​​​For patients with a range of acute needs, patients who require more specialist nursing/medical support than the general ward level can provide. We specialise in patients with complex breathing problems, cancers, kidney disease, burns and infectious diseases.

Outside of current Covid restrictions in which visiting is limited, our visiting hours are flexible please talk to the Nurse in Charge to arrange.

Contact us

Contact us

Adult Intensive Care Unit

For general enquiries Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 81219


Critical Care High Dependency - E12

For general enquiries Tel: 0115 924 9924 Ext: 84879


 Critical care Department

For general enquiries Tel: 0115 969 1169 Ext: 71819

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