Pain Management Service

Our Pain Management Service supports people with acute and chronic pain and is based at both Nottingham City Hospital and Queen's Medical Centre. The team consists of consultants, nurse specialists and extended scope practitioners, supported by the Pain Management administration team.

The chronic pain service provides first outpatient appointments to assess patients’ needs and decide on a treatment plan. After the initial appointment shorter follow up appointments may be required to assess the effectiveness of any therapies or treatments performed.

Helping you manage your pain

Our skilled and experienced team at Nottingham City Hospital now offers a private assessment and treatment service to help you manage your pain.

This includes:

  • assessment (for new patients)
  • advice and information on the best options
  • treatments including epidurals, facet joint injections and botox

The prices for these services start from £125 for a new outpatient consultation and treatment costs start from £100 for a trigger point injection.

Contact us

To find out more about our private services please speak to a member of staff or contact us to book an appointment on:

Tel: 0115 840 2652

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