Unsure where to go for help - call 111 | Latest news

Unsure where to go for help - call 111

There are a number of alternative health services you can visit for help and support in Nottinghamshire if you’re feeling unwell or have had a minor accident.  Please help us free up our Emergency Department for emergency care by using the most appropriate service for your needs.


  • Please phone NHS 111 if you need urgent care that isn't an emergency; this could be a health issue or injury.  One of our specialist-trained advisors will give you the advice you need and will direct you to the right service if you need to be seen.  This will make sure you are seen in the right place at the right time and by the right person.


  • Visit your nearest pharmacy if you have a minor illness such as a cough, cold, tummy trouble, sore throat, or aches and pains.  Your pharmacist can give you advice on over the counter treatments that may help you or guide you to the right place for more information if needed.


  • Visit the Urgent Treatment Centre on London Road, Nottingham if you have broken bones, strains and sprains, minor burns or scalds, skin infections or bites, eye infections or minor eye injuries, as well as minor head injuries. These can ALL be treated at the Urgent Treatment Centre - there is no need to book and you are likely to be seen much quicker.  Please note the Urgent Treatment Centre is currently open from 9am to 7pm and is on London Road, NG2 4LA - more information is available on their website here.


Urgent Care Advice
























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