Making a referral
Making a Referral to the East Midlands Sarcoma Service MDT
The East Midlands Soft Tissue Sarcoma Service MDT meeting is subdivided into ’retroperitoneal’ (includes intra-abdominal, gynaecological and GIST) and ‘main soft tissue’ (includes extremity, trunk wall and special sites). The ‘main soft tissue’ service is supported by diagnostic triage MDTs.
MDT Referral Process
Referrals from hospital specialists/secondary care should be made on an East Midlands Sarcoma Service MDT referral form. The referrals should be emailed directly to the MDT co-ordinator at Please take note of the following:
Referrals must be completed electronically – handwritten referrals will not be accepted
All referral documentation and support documentation should include the full patient name, NHS number and D.O.B.
Current WHO Performance Status must be provided
You must include a clear question for the MDT
All relevant sections of a referral form should be completed
Referrals should be supported with all the relevant documentation. This could include:
histopathology reports
radiology reports and/or details of imaging to import
recent blood results (if not documented on the referral form)
non-NUH MDT outcomes
relevant clinic letters
information about the location of histopathology slides
a copy of the operation note of operative details if an operation has already been done
It is essential that you inform your patient about the referral, whether for opinion or anticipated transfer of care, and the potential need for further investigations such as biopsy or imaging. The responsibility of the patient remains with the referrer unless the patient is formally accepted under the care of the sarcoma service following discussion. MDT outcomes will be emailed back to the referrer and it is imperative that these are checked through as additional actions may be required.
Diagnostic Triage MDT Meetings
The Diagnostic Triage MDT runs on a Monday morning (excluding bank holidays) at two sites within the region, each led by a sarcoma surgeon or oncologist and a specialist sarcoma radiologist. The purpose of these meetings is to review imaging and clinical information prior to diagnosis, recommending any further investigations required and ensuring equity of diagnostic approach.
Please note an up to date ultrasound scan, MRI or other relevant imaging must accompany the referral for discussion at the Triage MDT.
If you need an opinion about an uncertain diagnosis based on imaging of the extremities or trunk wall please complete a referral to Sarcoma Triage MDT at the appropriate hospital site:
Nottingham University Hospitals- patients from Derbyshire, Lincolnshire & Nottinghamshire
Complete this form EMSS Triage MDT Form and email to
See the form attached with the link below:
University Hospitals of Leicester- patients from Leicestershire, Northamptonshire and Rutland
Please contact the sarcoma MDT coordinator at University Hospitals Leicester (UHL) if you need to refer a patient for triage
Retroperitoneal Sarcoma MDT
The MDT runs on a Monday morning (excluding bank holidays). A formal referral into the service is required to ensure discussion at the RPS MDT, which must include all the available supporting information as outlined above.
If you need an opinion about management of patient who you suspect has retroperitoneal or intra-abdominal sarcoma based on imaging and/or histology please complete a referral to Retroperitoneal Sarcoma MDT and email to
See the form attached with the link below:
EMSS MDT Form Retroperitoneal Sarcoma.docx
Main STS (Soft Tissue Sarcoma) MDT
The Main STS MDT runs on Monday afternoon (excluding bank holidays). A formal referral into the service is required to ensure discussion at the soft tissue sarcoma MDT, which must include all the available supporting information as outlined above.
If you need an opinion about management of a patient who you suspect has sarcoma (excluding retroperitoneal) based on imaging and/or histology please complete a referral to Main Soft Tissue Sarcoma MDT and email to
See the form attached with the link below:
EMSS MDT Form Soft Tissue Sarcoma.docx
Bone Sarcomas
If you suspect that your patient might have bone sarcoma please refer directly to Royal Orthopaedic Hospital, Birmingham
Royal Orthopaedic Hospital - Referral (
Oncology (cancer) (